What is Coaching?

What is coaching?

Coaching has actually been around a long long time. In the area of sports and athletics and physical fitness, many people have hired a professional to help them achieve their desired goals. Most of your top athletes have coaches to help them achieve their next level of success. Tiger Woods has his own professional coach. Coaching has also been popular in the financial community. Financial coaches help business persons to achieve their ultimate financial success. They help them to create a vision of where they would like to be in 5 or 10 years and then help them create a road map to achieve that success.

Coaches do today almost all the training in business. Coaching differs from most business consulting in that business consulting traditionally is more focused on organization change and restructuring. Coaching is more humanistic in nature, and deals more with the individual and his/her personal growth.

A coach is someone who is objective and can help point out your areas of weakness, and offers encouragement and structure. A coach is a guide who wants to help you a achieve your goal by helping you to stay focused - work one step at a time and helps break down a goal into small measurable steps to help you reach your maximum success. A coach will give you homework assignments that you will work on from one session to the next. Coaching may done in person, on the phone or e-mail. Coaching became popular in the therapeutic community since the late 1990's - Since that time more and more psychotherapists have entered into the profession of coaching.

How does coaching differ from psychotherapy

Psychotherapy usually deals with issues from the past that have not been worked through. Most people have come from some kind of dysfunction in their up bringing. It may have been the actual experience that left one feeling insecure about themselves or their own perception of those experiences.

Psychotherapy provides a safe and nurturing space to explore those early psychological wounds. By active listening, the therapist listens and gives feedback. The client learns to identify their feelings and clarify their thoughts and are then able to make better choices in their every day life. Therapy usually deals with our internal feelings and thoughts. It is more insightful and self reflecting. Psychotherapy can deal with the future but usually focuses on the past and the here and now. Psychotherapy is done in the therapist's office.

Coaching on the other hand is external. It focuses more on movement than on insight. Coaching deals with the present and the future. A coach only looks at the past as to how it may be obstructing the movement toward the goal in the present or future. Clients are going after their goals and dreams. They create a vision of how they want their life to be in the future. They walk into that vision; create a mission statement and one step at a time they work toward their goals.

The coach provides encouragement and structure. He or she helps to develop a road map and keeps the client on course. Clients receive homework assignments in between sessions. Coaching may be done in the coach's office,or by telephone or e-mail.

Coaching helps clients achieve goals that they may not be able to achieve on their own. A coach stretches you to go further than you thought you could go. Many people find that by working with a coach they are able to achieve their goals often much quicker and with more ease. A coach helps them to stay on course, encourages the client and helps them not to take on more than they can accomplish in one setting, therefore helping them to work smarter not harder. A coach is trained in motivational techniques and helps the client to decide if a goal is a realistic, healthy goal.

What type of clients are best suited for coaching?

Anyone who is interested in going to the next level of their life or career. Everyone is born with dreams and visions. I believe each of us were created for a purpose. That purpose I believe is to be all that we can be. Some of us have books to write, children to raise, dreams of going back to school, transitioning in our lives, going to college, having a baby, moving toward a new career, achieving a goal weight, being better homemaker, achieving our ideal life style. What ever our dreams are a coach can help us achieve that goal.

Are you ready for a coach?

(1) Are you ready to pursue the life of your dreams?

(2) Do you want to step into the next level of your career or profession?

(3) Do you want a rich fulfilling marriage?

(4) Do you want to go back to school?

(5) Do you want to raise emotionally healthy and successful children?

(6) Do you want more balance in your life?

(7) Do you want to pursue a life of harmony, order and beauty?

What ever your dreams are, if you are willing to put in the work to achieve them, than a certified professional coach can help bring your desires into reality. I would love to be that coach.

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